Launch of the general aviation engine project „Hornet2020“

A modular aviation piston engine family from 120 to 350 HP

We are leveraging the progress which has been achieved in the field of diesel piston engine technology in the past 30 years in order to develop the future of general aviation with the Hornet2020 Engines. By providing a family of certifiable, lighter and cost-efficient kerosene running engines, Hornet2020 engines expects to launch the standard of general aviation kerosene piston engines by 2020.

UL and LSA Aircraft

PeterLogoWhy reinvent the wheel ?

Outsource the after sales support, spare-part management and documentation service  or parts thereof !

The ultra-light (UL)  and light sport aircraft (LSA) industry is focusing on the launch of new and innovative products. Small production batches of aircraft and limited human resources leave the after sales tasks lagging behind the requirements of the market. Service and spare part organizations are important features for the brand, reputation and market penetration of a product.
Under the project name “Euroeagle” MChE is developing an offering for the industry  outsourcing of after sales support, spare part management, maintenance training and documentation services or parts thereof.

Needed for building up a proper after sales support:

1.Product know-how
2.Understanding of the specifics of the market
3.Knowledge of problems in the field to trouble shoot
4.Good relation with maintenance organizations and operators
5.Clearly define points of contact for the customer
6.Availability of spare parts
7.Efficient logistic organization
8.Spare part catalogue
9.Maintenance training
10. Competitive pricing

We can help you save your money, reduce sweat and dry your tears

Shelter system

Business building: Based on the patented Resco paver stone MChE supports Resco ltd.  in  developing and marketing a modular systems for quickly and simply erectable protection walls, shelters and housings.

The Austrian company Resco designed  a flexible modular interlocking paver which is used to erect flood protection walls, shelter, housings and other structures without the need of using construction equipment or any cement.



The weight of the paver is 18 kg, therefore it can be carried and fitted in a structure by a single individual


The individual stones lock to each other due to a patented system which is locked or unlocked by fitting or pulling the paver vertically



The walls can be easily dismounted and the paver stones stored for further use



Example : two moduls form a housing structure for living quarters or emergency shelters

Automotive Industry

We focus on prototype, small and medium volume production: spare parts, discontinued series, ramp up series, engineering included if requested.


The Ukrainian company Vlad+ is specialized in the manufacturing of electronic and electro-mechanical components for the automotive and related industries. Proven quality and competitive cost structure qualify Vlad+ as interesting supplier of wirring harnesses, mechatronics, plastic mouldings also in small and medium production batches. MChE is impressed by the potential of Vlad+, a competitive and high-quality supply source in the immediate vicinity of the Central European industry. It is the aim of MChE to support this promising enterprise in its effort to penetrate the European market.

Business Building

FrontBusinessTurning ideas into business: Individuals and enterprises looking for matching and/or complementary technologies, strategic partners, or financing can count on our experience in setting up joint ventures and cooperations. We develop and implement business plans – we make things happen, we are hands on.